DID YOU KNOW: That 1 out of every 4 kids in Texas won't have enough food to eat this weekend?
DID YOU KNOW: That there are thousands of children who rely on school meals during the week, but spend the weekends in homes that are food insecure?
DID YOU KNOW: We're on a mission to wipe out weekend hunger in local communities?
We began by feeding 12 kids at a local campus and now have delivered
more than 165,000
weekend food kits to children in our local communities! That's more than 100,000 happy tummies that might otherwise not eat anything from Friday lunch until Monday breakfast! While our campus list is always growing and changing, here's a sampling of the local campuses we support through various programs!
*Weekly Food Support *Hydroponic School Garden *Other
Brookhollow ES - Timmerman ES - Caldwell ES - Windermere ES - Wieland ES - Spring Hill ES Northwest ES - Parmer Lane ES - Copperfield ES - Delco ES - Dessau ES - Pflugerville ES Highland Park ES - Rowe Lane ES - Dearing ES - Ruth Barron ES - IDEA Pflugerville -
Dessau MS - Park Crest MS - Bohls MS - Pflugerville MS - Westview MS - Cele MS -
Weiss HS - Connolly HS - Hendrickson HS - PACE (18+) - Pflugerville HS -
Ruth Barron ES - IDEA Pflugerville - Hendrickson HS - PACE (18+)
Head Start (Opportunities for WBC) - Forest Creek ES - Ridgeview ES Voigt ES - Gattis ES
Herrington ES - Cedar Valley MS - Round Rock Opportunity Center -
Cedar Ridge HS - Stony Point HS
Mary Bailey Head Start
Castle Creek ES
1000 Heroes wanted